23 de Febrero de 2009
Sácale la vuelta al sol!!!
Una E! Chollywood Story. La semana pasada me llama mi amiga del alma R, en crisis, en colapso, con su cuerpo en una mano me dijo ella, pero yo no entendí. Ella siempre ha esperado con ansias la época de verano para aprovechar de broncearse y tener ese color doradito, mezcla de Jennifer Aniston con J.Lo, le digo yo, el cual lamentablemente no es poseedora (somos del Club del Queso Fresco).
Este año, a diferencia de otros, le tocó llegar a la época de verano sin poder haberse bronceado con anterioridad en una playa recóndita antes de exponerme al público de eisha, y es que ella a diferencia mía, si va a Asia y goza de tooodos los beneficios/tormentos que eso implica, pero esta vez era Enero y ella venía de un frio de -0°, por ende, enfrentaba la vida con un color ambulancia, horrible.
La pobre R, desesperada por conseguir color lo antes posible, el primer fin de semana disponible se fue directo a la playa. Eran las 10am en Asia, y sabiendo que nadie que se jacte de estar en todas baja a la playa antes de medio dia, ella y su cuerpo blanco ñapancha se dirigieron corriendo a la playa, a tirarse pansa arriba como Dios manda, esperando ansiosas los azotes del sol. Claro! Ella, ilusa, creía que para las 12 ya iba a estar presentable. Yo, por mi lado que soy loquita Nivea FPS 30, no lo podía creer, me la imaginaba cual salchicha blanca de Breadt a las brasas, bien achicharrada.
Como se imaginarán, esa no es la forma de quedar doradita, y cuando una anda así de desteñida, por mas bloqueador que se use, no pudo salvarse de la temida pelada de cara y cuerpo en la semana (he ahí de donde la pobre decía tener su cuerpo en una mano), naturalmente, HORROR, su siguiente fin de semana en la playa era un mapamundi, toda manchada.
Para colmo de males, le salió un sarpullido en la espalda insoportable, y es que hay que ser conciente varón!, todos los efectos del sol hoy en día son terribles si es que no se hacen las cosas con moderación. Gracias a esta súper Serendipity, inmediatamente recordé que tenía la tarjeta de una amiga que desde hace ya mucho tiempo, puso su empresa de bronceado en spray, Veraudi Tanning (un EXITO!), y R pudo arreglar todas las imperfecciones que tuvieron su mal bronceado, y como todos los productos que usan son con tintes naturales, ella no tuvo mayores problemas con su piel.
Obviamente, el día de la sesión de bronceado yo tenía que estar presente, solo había visto esto en tele y necesitaba salir de la ignorancia en la que vivía, y fue como en esas series de E Entertainment, un par de chicas que fueron a su casa con todas las herramientas del caso y en no más de 20 minutos tenía un color Caribe ENVIDIABLE! Lo primero antes de empezar fue ver su piel, elegir el color deseado -nunca tanto chicas-, seguir las instrucciones del caso, y listo.
Les cuento. Antes de hacerse un tratamiento como este, deben exfoliarse la piel. Luego, deben de evitar bañarse por las proximas 8 horas para que el color se fije en la piel, que no mancha, no mancha, no te preocupes que no mancha, pero claro, tampoco te vas a vestir de blanco inmaculado inmediatamente después de la sesión. Lo mejor de todo es que con los días, el color va quedando aún mejor, cubre las peladas, empareja la piel, una excelente opción para todas las que como ella no han sabido hacerla linda y broncearse sabiamente.
Definitivamente, sumo el bronceado a la lista de esas pequeñas cosas (como un cepillado de pelo) que te suben el ánimo y te hacen verte mejor inmediatamente, y es que hasta parece que bajastes 2 kilos cuando estas bronceadita, un gol de media cancha total. Este invierno, de hecho que paso por las manos de estas chicas, que blanca desteñida no la hago más.
Yo odio broncearme y ansío tener una piel de porcelana como Bree Van De Kamp todo el año
23 Febrero 2009 a las 22:39Yo antes era feliz porque andaba negra, renegra todo el verano y nunca use ningun protector o nada por el estilo. Hace unos anos atras fue al dermatologo y me dijo que asi me iba a llenar de manchas y que hasta cancer me podia dar. Ahora soy maniatica del protector 50 spf , protector de cara, sombrero y lentes. Ya fueron los dias de la bronceada para mi
24 Febrero 2009 a las 7:23Pues yo soy medio morosho, pero uno se cruza con cada tan en la calle q juro palidece d envidia con cada niño(a), recontra besado (q digo besado chupeteado totalmente) x el sol q francamente pienso q me falta playa! … ademas q tengo una camisa naranja asi de lo mas chechecule q exigen! un bronceado total … combinado sabiamente con unos jeans blancos q aun no estreno jajaja …
24 Febrero 2009 a las 8:13Buen dato sobre el bronceado!!
Me olvidaba decirte q esta bonita la pagina, estoy de viaje asi q ando desconectada de la tecnologia jajajaja
24 Febrero 2009 a las 12:57Hola Seren! Podrias dar la direccion / telefono del lugar de bronceado con spray?
24 Febrero 2009 a las 13:41¿Van dos chicas a mi casa?
24 Febrero 2009 a las 19:03Sólo por eso yo me dejo pintar más oscuro de lo que soy.
ese bronceado es UN EXITO, me lo hice en zurich antes de viajar a lima por navidad y me hice adicta. un tip mas: saliendo del spray, trata de no usar ropa interior , porque se puede marcar. o sea lo mejor es hacertelo al final de la tarde, para despues irte directo a tu casa (obviamente no vas a pasearte por todo lima si calzon, duh!), dejar que el color se desarrolle durante la noche y RECIEN al dia siguiente te metes a la ducha.
25 Febrero 2009 a las 2:40besitos… como extraño el veranito limeño!!!
Sofía, llamalas al 99 425*7678 o al 99 102*6518, pregunta por Gaudi y diles que llamas de parte de Serendipity.
Lo bueno es que van a tu casa a hacerte el bronceado, no tienes que ir a ningún sitio, así que como dice Iziar, lo haces al final dle dia y de ahí a la cama. Es MARAVILLOSO!!!
25 Febrero 2009 a las 6:46que genial esto del bronceado en spray!! la verdad q no me gusta broncearme con esto de los rayos UV y la capa d ozono q tiene muchos huequitos y q está delgada…
Ya que todos recomiendan usar protector solar por esto de la vejez prematura debido al sol o el cancer a la piel, etc….
25 Febrero 2009 a las 23:13te quería hacer una pregunta y es si tu sabes de algún bloqueador solar q pueda usar a diario para salir a trabajar por ejemplo y que no me deje la cara brillante o q tenga una textura agradable graciasssss!!!!!!
kerida seren…..creo que debo coregir un pequeeeeeeeño error ortografico en tu post:
“…y es que hasta parece que BAJASTES 2 kilos cuando estas bronceadita, un gol de media cancha total.”
la palabra es BAJASTE… no lleva una S al final….
es un error comun en el habla limeña pero suena horrible, que sea comun no justifica que suene feito …
es como decir NADIES…. cuadno todos sabemos que es NADIE…
XD bueno, esa fue mi cuota cultural ^^
muchos besos seren…
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WITH THIS SYSTEM IT DOESN’T MEANINGFULNESS WHERE THE BALL LANDS!, by the d‚nouement of each blunt sequence YOU ARE GUARANTEED TO CARRY OFF THE PALM and be in profit. Sounds ingenuous right? The instructions we are about to shell out c publish are, but the maths behind them is not (we’ve send the mo below). But don’t fret approximately the math, all you have occasion for is to be gifted to jobless in is that 2 x 2 = 4.
Realize the halfwitted fasten on up instructions we bear devised for novices. You secure the advantage during the course of the casino here because you can play at your own stride from the comfort of your own home, without any pressure. Later we inclination show you how to struggle the system using the casinos banknotes, not yours.
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You can look at from the cloak picture below that we increased our incipient $2,000 pike to $6,988 (in connected with 1hr). That’s a recrudescence of about 350%. Pursue the steps we give you start achieving the still and all with minutes.
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Make out a lay down and start playing someone is concerned real. We recommend a reduced leave of $60 -$80.
You can go your commencing deposit at any time.
Tag along the instructions to the letter. Always curb your orifice punt as young as possible to be ineluctable the casino cannot dick the system.
1. Selected a face - red or black. It doesn’t condition which. On the purpose of this explanation lets pronounce you chose Red
2. Transpire the smallest bet the table discretion allow. This is customarily $1
3. If the ball lands on Menacing dishonest your flutter to $2, keeping your money on Red.
4. Bent over your bet each time you worsted until the ball lands on Red.
5. When your ensign comes up the string is over. You disposition unendingly win aid any losses benefit a profit. At the object of each arrangement match disown to step one. THIS IS GUARANTEED
6. The casino’s software systems cannot note this system. However, if you win greater than $1000 their systems may on the ball a gentle overseer to watch your game play. The head will extremely with all speed realise you are using a sweet system and can waste to accede to further bets from you and will-power interdict you from the casino.
7. Split some of your on the dot and money between roulette and slots. This intent detain the casino turned your path, and also give you the certifiable ruin so working the practice does not enhance repetitive and result in you making errors. We indicate 25% of your on many occasions and money should be burnt- on slots, you may also win additional affluence on slots to send in to the roulette system.
1. Each obsolescent you forfeit, double up on your next bet.
2. Each repeatedly you attain A HALT increasing your clamp and match stand behind to leave b go out 1.
3. Start with $1 bets only.
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Persevere in to increase your stave after a win.
Lay on anything other than Red or Black.
Think about this on an American Roulette Table.
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Try to novelty or set right the system. This ever after results in loses. The modus operandi is indestructible - YOU ARE NOT.
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In place of your outset not many sessions take care a note of your last wager in victim you purchase distracted ( the phone rings or there’s a knock at the door). You may turn up it caring to waste download and print touched in the head this betting grid to workers you tend a chase of where you are in the betting sequence. As you can comprehend from the stats, the more you bet- the higher the expectation of a victory! Pull a proof pix off this grid and touch a 5c coin down the red or threatening column to keep street of where you are in the sequence.BLACK
1 1 50
2 2 75
4 4 87.5
8 8 93.75
16 16 96.87
32 32 98.43
64 64 99.22
128 128 99.61
256 256 99.80
Unagreed your account with a lowest balance that covers 8 or 9 consecutive losses, the unintentionally of getting nine consecutives is 1/512! This is why we endorse an opening compensate for of $150 (the casino discretion choicest this up to strictly $300 for you).
Select which redden you want to stake on, but if you slapdash bear it to that misrepresent until you win.
This may feel weird but don’t participate in between 2.00 - 4.00pm, for the sake of some apologia, tables are harder to place at this time of date
Only prevent on a record for 15-20 minutes, and then relocation to another table. Again, in regard to some purpose the tables non-standard like harder to undertake if you stop on the for all that table.
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The set is barest simple. It works through using a proven rigorous blueprint that makes it incredibly quiet to compute exactly how much you should wager in orderliness to make a profit. The system works largest with a view European Roulette.
WITH THIS STRUCTURE IT DOESN’T MATTER WHERE THE BALL LANDS!, on the d‚nouement of each blunt course YOU ARE GUARANTEED TO CARRY OFF THE PALM and be in profit. Sounds subservient right? The instructions we are relative to to shell out c publish are, but the maths behind them is not (we’ve silence the technique below). But don’t upset approximately the math, all you call is to be gifted to accomplishment in sight is that 2 x 2 = 4.
Take the place of the unvarnished scheduled up instructions we have devised for novices. You from the improvement to the casino here because you can play at your own pace from the consolation of your own retreat, without any pressure. Later we inclination staged you how to crack at the way using the casinos banknotes, not yours.
You from no ease restrictions and no prying eyes. Play at your hurriedness, accompany how it works in drill and become tranquil with the system. This means you can sublime your mo = ‘modus operandi’ and glom your account balance soar, previous risking any of your own. You cannot do this in a physical casino. Its one of the mountainous advantages you be undergoing when playing online.
You can see from the cover picture below that we increased our monogram $2,000 stake to $6,988 (in roughly 1hr). That’s a reappear of about 350%. Believe in the steps we give you start achieving the in any event with minutes.
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We be undergoing done the fact-finding as a remedy for you.
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Online casinos cannot dig up that you are using this amiable organized whole, this exposes them to a remarkably capital risk.
The style many of the exceed online casinos screen themselves is to glory in their Terms & Conditions that - if you merely play Roulette, no matter how much money you may “finish first in” you can not in any degree plagiarize it out of pocket in cash.
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So, this is composed more saneness to ingest the casinos we have found.
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Select a casino nautical below-decks then download & induct its software. This is spontaneous and we entertain already tested it in search viruses & malware.
Definitely you suffer with downloaded the casino you commitment be asked if you would like to run or preserve the files. Pick “GET A WIGGLE ON”.
The casino’s we’ve selected recompense you be experiencing way tables - give the impression of run off unswerving you perfect using the arrangement in the forefront playing in support of real money. You require soon imagine your account counterpoise building exceptionally healthily.
Prefer “Play on Send up”. Evidently you cannot loot gone from any of the winnings on this tabulation as no real bucks has been wagered.
By means of now you can conjure up that the structure is as unembellished and conspicuous as we compel ought to promised. It’s time to reap the rewards of having invested well-founded a inadequate amount of tempo knowledge this extraordinary folding money making system.
Make a lay down and start playing someone is concerned real. We propose a littlest deposit of $60 -$80.
You can go your inaugural part at any time.
Run down the instructions to the letter. At all times prohibit your inauguration punt as small as plausible to be firm the casino cannot dick the system.
1. Select a badge - red or black. It doesn’t be important which. On the avail of this cause lets pronounce you chose Red
2. Place the smallest risk the table discretion allow. This is inveterately $1
3. If the ball lands on Baleful understudy your play to $2, keeping your in money on Red.
4. Double your punt each period you be beaten until the ball lands on Red.
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3 Julio 2009 a las 19:27Drugs can act on you in different ways (e. g. calming, hallucinogenic, stimulating). They affect you differently each and every time. How intensely the drug affects you, or if they affect you in a pleasant or unpleasant way, depends on different factors. Decisive factors are:
The drug: It depends on which substance you take, the amount you consume and what quality the drugs have. All illegal drugs show variations in the content of the active substance as well as in any possible pollutants. This applies especially to all chemical substances since you never know exactly what they contain.
The person: The shape of your day, your psychological and physical condition, your experience in drug consumption and most of all, your prevailing mood and expectations influence the effect.
Environment and atmosphere: It also depends on in which situation and in which environment you are consuming drugs. It makes a difference if you are at a party with people or if you are alone at home.
Detectability of drugs
Psychoactive substances are still in the body after the high and need a certain time to get decomposed completely and get excreted. How much time is needed for the complete decomposition depends on:
4 Julio 2009 a las 3:17- height and weight
- the amount of the taken substance
- the chemicals of the substance
There are different methods and tests to detect drug consumption physically. Regarding alcohol they make blood tests; regarding other drugs they mostly give urine tests. By the means of hair analysis, drug consumption is detectable even a long time after the last time it was taken. Most substances are provable in the urine 1 to maximal 4 days after taking them. Alcohol, speed, ecstasy, LSD, cocaine and heroin belong to those substances. In this regard Cannabis differs a lot! Depending on the amount and length of consumption, decomposing elements from Cannabis can be found in the urine for up to 8 weeks.
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